Monday, 21 September 2015

Rules for the Valuation of Properties According ECO/805/2003 (VII)

Valuation Rules According ECO/805/2003 (VII)

General Warnings

According Spanish ECO/805/2003, we find a ‘warning case’ whenever we have doubts about any of the data used in the calculation of the technical values. At a minimum, we should consider the following cases:
  • when there is a discrepancy between the physical reality of the property and its description in the Property Registry or the Cadastre, if such discrepancy does not lead to doubt about the identification and do not affect the calculated values
  • when the property is not in accordance with the applicable urban planning, unless some conditioning have been stated or it was not possible to verify the system of protection of the architectural heritage
  • when the valued property is subject to expropriation or was constructed on the basis of a license or an administrative authorization containing conditions, which if not met, may result in changes to the certified value
  • when the valuation has been calculated using different methods than those stated in Spanish Order ECO/805/2003
  • when the maximum legal value was calculated in absence of some of the required documents
  • when the valuation was calculated in absence of the necessary documents to calculate cash flows
  • in rural properties, when the valuation was calculated in absence of the cadastral documentation or the documents describing the operating system
  • in the valuation of buildings under construction or rehabilitation for the finished building hypothesis, when the valuation was calculated in absence of a complete set of the Construction Documents already endorsed by the Architects’ Association, or the final certification of the performed work, or the Building Contract, or the Schedule of Construction Costs
  • in buildings whose main use is housing, when the valuation was calculated in absence of the document attesting the expedition of the decennial insurance for property damage
  • in buildings in horizontal property regime or building elements different than houses or garages, when the valuation was calculated in absence of the statutes of the homeowners, an equivalent document or a Certificate by the community manager, certifying the limitations of use or other circumstances able to affect the value
  • when the Cadastral Reference does not exist or can not be known by the means provided in the revised text of the Law on Real Estate Cadastre, or through the Virtual Office of the Cadastre
  • in properties located abroad, when the valuation was calculated in the absence of all the documentation that, in accordance with the rules applicable in the country where the property is located, may have some influence on the value of the property.

Valuation Reports in Spain

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Rules for the Valuation of Properties According ECO/805/2003 (VI)

Valuation Rules According ECO/805/2003 (VI)

Documents Required for the Valuation of Properties

The calculation of the value requires to previously have all the documents necessary for the complete identification of the property. Among those documents, the following ones should always be included:
  • the Registry Certificate attesting both title and charges associated with the property, or any legal equivalent in alternative media
  • the Cadastral Document, with all descriptive and graphic information associated with the property, as obtained directly from the Electronic Site of the Cadastre (

Both documents must have been issued within three months prior to the valuation date.

Documentation for Valuations in the Mortgage Market

In the valuation of properties intended to serve as mortgage warranty for loans that are or will be part of the portfolio of mortgage securities issued by institutions, developers and builders, the Registry Certificate can be replaced by any of the following documents:
  • original or copy of a Registry Note (‘Nota Simple’, in Spanish), issued within three months prior to the valuation date, at least expressive of ownership, the complete description of the property, the real rights and the limitations of domain
  • photocopy of the Registry Book of the property
  • photocopy of the Title Deeds
  • any document equivalent to the above ones, issued by the Property Registry by the use of telematic procedures.

Documentation for Valuations Outside the Mortgage Market

When the purpose of the valuation is the coverage of the technical provisions of insurance companies, the determination of the assets of the institutions of collective real estate investment, or the determination of the real estate assets owned by pension funds, the inclusion of the Cadastral Document will only be necessary in the following cases:
  • prior valuations
  • regular valuations of real estate in which changes have occurred that affect the description.

Documentation for the Valuation of Assets of Institutions of Collective Investment

If the purpose of the valuation is to determine the assets of the institutions of real estate collective investment, the Registry Certificate is only required in previous periodic valuations of the properties under construction; in other cases, the Registry Certificate may be replaced by any of the documents considered as valid in the mortgage market.
Valuation Report

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Rules for the Valuation of Properties According ECO/805/2003 (V)

Valuation Rules According ECO/805/2003 (V)

Statement of the Values. Checks. Land Area. Mortgage Value. Intermediate Valuation.

When valuing a Real Estate in Spain, the values should be stated in a report and, where appropriate, a Certificate of Valuation.

Minimum Checks

The valuation of a property requires to perform all necessary checks to know the characteristics and the actual condition. Among the checks that should be performed, the following ones should always be included:
  • physical identification of the property, through its location and visual inspection, checking if its floor area and other characteristics match the description
  • identifying all visible servitudes
  • conservation status or condition
  • occupancy status
  • use or exploitation intended for the property
  • public protection regime, if it’s about housing
  • architectural heritage protection regime
  • agreement of the property with all applicable urban planning regulations
  • where applicable, availability of right to the valued urban use.

Land Area

In order to calculate the value of a land or a country estate, the area to consider should be checked by the appraiser. If this testing is not feasible, the appraiser should use the lowest value between the Registry Area and the Cadastral Area.

Definition of Mortgage Value (VH)

The Mortgage Value or VH (‘Valor Hipotecario’, in Spanish) is defined as the value of the property as determined by a prudent valuation, taking into account all market conditions, the use at the time of the valuation and any possible alternative uses.

Definition of Intermediate Valuation

The Intermediate Valuation of a construction work is any of the valuations that are issued after the initial valuation and during the construction or rehabilitation process of a building or an element of a building. The Intermediate Valuation reflects the progress of the works and the percentage of work performed, but its issue does not involve the updating of the values ​​contained in the initial valuation.
Valuation Report