Friday, 19 December 2014

Legalization in Andalusian Un-Developable Land

Legalization of Buildings on Un-Developable Land in Andalusia

Regime of Buildings on Un-Developable Land

In Andalusia, the buildings built on un-developable land (with or without planning permission) which comply with current territorial and urban planning, are subject to the regime established by the Andalusian laws on urban planning for all kinds of land. However, in the case of building works performed without a license or violating the conditions of a granted license is always mandatory to apply for a license (IE, the legalization of the works), whether or not they are completed, and no matter how much time elapsed since the end of the works. While in other types of land the general rule is not forcing the legalization of works in which the offense has expired if they are in conformity with the urban planning regulations, the Decree 2/2012, regulating the regime of buildings and settlements on un-developable land in Andalusia, forces the legalization of any building works performed on un-developable land, although the urban infraction has legally expired. That is, in Andalusia, for the restoration of the disturbed legal order on un-developable land, if the legalization of the works is possible, then there is actually no expiring time frame for the urban planning infractions.

Detached Properties Built Before 1975

Andalusian Decree 2/2012 provides that the regime of the detached properties built without a license on un-developable land and completed prior to the entry into force of the Spanish Land Law of 1975 is assimilated to the regime of the properties built with a granted license, but only if they still carry the same use and typological features that they had before the entry into force of the Land Law and they are not in legal status of urban ruin. Depending on whether or not they conform to the current legislation, those buildings are considered:
  • legalized, if they comply with all current regulations
  • in legal status of outside planning, if they don't comply.

The recognition of the Situation of Assimilated to the Out of Planning regime (SAFO) is not applicable, because the status of this kind of buildings is comparable to that of the properties built under a granted license. For each building performed without any building permit on un-developable land prior to the entry into force of the Land Law of 1975, is necessary to obtain a municipal certification attesting whether the agreement with the urban planning or the legal status of outside planning, depending on the accordance between the performed works and the territorial and urban planning regulations.
Legalization Projects in Spain

Architect Daniel Trujillano
Legalization Projects for Buildings in Andalusia

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