Friday, 24 May 2013

Endorsement by Architects' Association in Spain (II)

Non-Mandatory Endorsement by Architects' Association in Spain

Architectural Services that Don't Require Endorsement by Architects' Association

In Spain, Royal Decree 1000/2010 determines which professional services should get mandatory endorsement by a Professional Association, as an exception to the client's choice. If we study its content, collated with the requirements of the 'Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación' (LOE), we can deduce which Architectural Services are considered to be exempt from endorsement.

1. Building Works Exempt from Endorsement

According to the LOE, new construction one-storey works with only minor constructive value and with technical simplicity, which character is not residential nor public, are not considered to be building works, so all architectural services needed to develop this kind of works are nor forced to be endorsed by the Architects' Association.
And the same goes for the projects of expansion, modification, alteration or rehabilitation of buildings, if they do not alter the architectural configuration and if they don't affect parts or elements subject to environmental protection, historical protection or artistic protection. It is understood that the work alters the architectural configuration of a building when it produces a substantial variation of the architectural composition, the built volumes, or the entire structural system, or it's targeted to change the characteristic building uses.

2. Exemption from Endorsement in Professional Services for Civil Services

Professional services contracted by Civil Services do not require endorsement by any Professional Association if they are subject to report by a project supervision office, or equivalent. The same goes for professional services contracted by a Civil Service in which the hiring process performs the verification of the identity and professional qualifications of the author's work, and checks the formal correctness and completeness of the delivered documentation.

3. Other Architectural Services without Endorsement

The following non-exhaustive list displays professional services that Spanish Architects can provide and which do not require endorsement by the Architects' Association:
  • Urban Planning Services
  • Definition of Boundaries, Stakeouts, Measurements and Valuations
  • Technical Reports, Expert Opinions and Certificates
  • Decor and Interior Design Services
  • Structural Calculations, Documentation for Opening Permits, Construction Cost Schedules and Technical Inspection of Buildings.
Architecture Services

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Endorsement by Architects' Association in Spain (I)

Mandatory Endorsement by Architects' Association in Spain (I)

Architectural Services that Require Endorsement by Architects' Association

In Spain, the Royal Decree 1000/2010 identifies which professional services must necessarily obtain Endorsement by a Professional Associtation ('Visado colegial'), as an exception to the client's choice. These are the services in which there is a direct causal link between the professional service and the effect on the physical integrity and security of the people, and in which the Endorsement by a Professional Association is the best-proportioned means of control.

The Royal Decree also specifies the legal regime applicable to cases of Mandatory Endorsement.

Mandatory Endorsements

The Royal Decree 1000/2010 prescribes Mandatory Endorsement by a Professional Association only on the following professional services:
  • Construction Documents for building projects
  • Construction Completion Certificates in building projects
  • Legalization Documents for buildings: Construction Documents and Completion Certificates that, if any, should be provided in administrative procedures for the legalization of building works
  • Demolition Documents for buildings where the demolition doesn't require the use of explosives
  • Documents related with blasting, explosives, ammunition and pyrotechnic projects
  • Documents for exploitation projects of mineral resources.

Partial Documents Endorsement

Although professional services are developed or supplemented by partial documentation and other technical documents, the final documents may be endorsed just once and by only one Professional Association, which must be competent in the subject matter of the work. No need for partial endorsement of documents that are part of them.

The Competent Professional Association

For the mandatory endorsement, the undersigned professional should be directed to the Professional Association which is competent in the principal matter of the professional service. If several competent Professional Associations in the field, the practitioner can obtain the endorsement at any of them.
In the Construction Completion Certificates for building projects, the subject matter includes Direction of the Work and Direction of the Performance of the Work, so it's enough with the endorsement by a competent Professional Association in any of these two subjects.
Any Spanish practitioner can get endorsement at any of the Professional Associations in Spain.
Architecture Services for Building Projects

Architect Daniel Trujillano

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Spanish Architect's Qualifications in the Building Process

The Spanish Architect and the Construction Agents

Qualifications of Architects in Spanish Building Process

In Spain, the 'Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación' (LOE) prescribes what degree qualifies to play the role of each agent in the building process, which depends on the use the building is intended to allocate.

The Architect as Building Designer and Director of the Works

The Building Designer ('Proyectista') is the agent who make both the Architectural Design and the Construction Documents, on behalf of the Property Developer and with due respect to all relevant technical and planning regulations.

The Director of the Works ('Director de obra') is the agent who, as a part of the technical management, directs the development of the work in technical, aesthetic, planning and environmental aspects, in accordance with the Architectural Design, the Construction Documents, the building permit, any other required approvals and the terms of the contract, in order to ensure the suitability of the building for its intended purpose.

Spanish Architect's degree enables to act as both Building Designer and Director of the Works in all cases where the LOE is applicable. In addition, a Spanish Architect is the only professional who can be both Building Designer and Director of the Works in projects for buildings where the use is Administrative, Sanitary, Religious, Residential in all its forms, Educational or Cultural (Group A uses the LOE).

The Architect as Director of the Performance of the Works

The Director of the Performance of the Work ('Director de la ejecución de la obra') is the agent who, as a part of the technical management, assumes the technical role of directing the performance of the works and of monitoring the construction and the quality of what is being built.

A Spanish Architect's degree enables to act as Director of the Performance of the Work in the following cases:
  • In building projects where primary use belongs to the Group B of the LOE, if the Director of the Works is not also an Architect. That is, a Spanish Architect can be the Director of the Performance of the Work if the primary use of the building is Aeronautical, Agricultural, of Energy, of Hydraulics, Miner, of Telecommunications, of Land, Sea, River and Air Transport, Forest, Industrial, Naval, of Sanitation and Hygiene Engineering, or Accessory to Engineering Works and their Exploitation, provided that the Director of the Works is Engineer or Technical Engineer.
  • In building projects where primary use is parking or commercial (Group C of the LOE), even if he also acts as Director of the Works. That is, according to the LOE, a single Spanish Architect can act as Building Designer and then, simultaneously, be Director of the Works and Director of the Performance of the Works in the building projects where the primary use is parking of vehicles, shops, department stores, malls, markets, shopping malls, laundromats, hair salons, etc.

In the works where the primary use belongs to the Group A of the LOE, the Director of the Performance of the Work can only be Technical Architect ('Arquitecto técnico'), and the same happens in the projects where the primary use belongs to the Group B of the LOE if the Director of the Works is an Architect.

The Architect as Health and Safety Coordinator

Spanish Architect's degree enables to act as Health and Safety Coordinator in the building process, during the drafting of the Construction Documents and during the performance of the work, in all cases where the LOE is applicable.
Architectural Design

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Uses in Buildings (II)

Building Uses in Spain (II)

Uses in the Group C of the LOE

The building uses in Groups A and B are listed in Article 2 of the Spanish 'Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación' (LOE), but when it comes to the uses in Group C, the Law simply states they are the uses not specifically listed in the two previous groups. If we limit ourselves to the list of building uses that are defined by the Spanish 'Código Técnico de la Edificación' (CTE), which are listed in the Terminology annexes, there are only two uses that may be included in the Group C of the LOE: Parking Use and Commercial Use.

Parking Use

Parking Use ('Uso aparcamiento') is defined as one that characterizes the buildings, facilities or areas for parking of vehicles, but only if the surface area exceedes 100 sq. m. It may include areas destinated to washing vehicles, tuning, installation of accessories, checking tires and headlights, etc., and it excludes garages in private houses, whatever its surface, as well as exterior car parks around buildings, even if the lots are covered.

Commercial Use

Commercial Use ('Uso comercial') is defined as one that characterizes the buildings or establishments whose main activity is the sale of products directly to the public, or the provision of services related thereto. It's the use of the shops, department stores, malls, markets, shopping malls, etc.
Establishments that lend certain services directly to the public, not necessarily related to the sale of products, may also be considered to be affected by Commercial Use, if constructive and functional characteristics can be assimilated more to Commecial Use than to any other use. Examples of such assimilation can be laundromats, hair salons, etc.
Architectural Design

Monday, 20 May 2013

Uses in Buildings (I)

Building Uses in Spain (I)

List and Classification of Uses for Buildings

In Spanish building industry, uses are defined as those activities that take place in a building, or in certain areas of a building, after its delivery to the users.

Uses in Spanish LOE and CTE

Spanish 'Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación' (LOE) defines three groups of uses: A, B and C. Then, the 'Código Técnico de la Edificación' (CTE) includes definitions for the uses. Using both official documents we can compile the list of uses is included below:

Group A Uses

The A group includes the following uses:
  • Administrative Use ('Uso Administrativo'): Building, facility or area in which management activities or services are carried out. It includes public administration centers, banks, professional offices, etc.
  • Sanitary Use ('Uso Sanitario'): building or area which use includes hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, health centers, clinics, clinical analysis centers, etc.
  • Religious Use ('Uso Religioso'): spaces for cult.
  • Public Residential Use ('Uso Residencial Público'): Building or facility designed to provide temporary shelter, which can provide common services such as housekeeping, dining, laundry, meeting and entertainment facilities, sports, etc. It includes hotels, hostels, tourist apartments, etc.
  • Residential Housing Use ('Uso Residencial Vivienda'): Building or area for permanent accommodation. It includes detached houses, flats, apartments, etc.
  • Educational Use ('Uso Docente'): Building, establishment or area for teaching, in any level. It includes nursery schools, primary schools, secondary schools, university, etc.
  • Cultural Use ('Uso Cultural'): building or establishment for catering, entertainment, meeting, leisure, sport, auditoriums, games, etc.

Group B Uses

The B group includes the following uses:
  • Aeronautical ('Aeronáutico')
  • Agricultural ('Agropecuario')
  • Of Energy ('De la energía')
  • Of Hydraulics ('De la hidráulica')
  • Miner ('Minero')
  • Of Telecommunications ('De telecomunicaciones')
  • Of Land, Sea, River and Air Transport ('Del transporte terrestre, marítimo, fluvial y aéreo')
  • Forest ('Forestal')
  • Industrial
  • Naval
  • Of Sanitation and Hygiene Engineering ('De la ingeniería de saneamiento e higiene')
  • Accessory to Engineering Works and their Exploitation ('Accesorio a las obras de ingeniería y su explotación').

Group C Uses

Within the group called C, LOE includes all buildings whose uses are not specifically listed in the two previous groups.
Architectural Design


Glossary for Building Projects in Spain


3,163 Terms Architecture and Construction: Dictionary Spanish - English - Spanish / Jan 2015 (English Edition)
Some terms related to the building process in Spain:

Arquitecto = Architect

The architect is the professional who is member of the Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos of any province in Spain.

Obra = Work

The Work means the total construction and related services required by the construction contract documents.

Presupuesto de Ejecución Material (PEM) = Material Performance Cost

Material performance cost is a price of all project elements designed or specified by, or on behalf of, or as a result of, the coordination by the architect. Material performance cost includes the cost of all materials and labour necessary to complete the Work, and excludes the following:
  1. the overhead and the profit of the contractor
  2. the full amount of value-added taxes
  3. the building permit fees
  4. the compensation of the architect and the consultants
  5. other professional fees which are the responsibility of the client
  6. the land cost, and land development charges.

Anteproyecto = Schematic Design

Schematic design documents to illustrate the scale and character of the project and how the parts of the project functionally relate to each other, based on the mutually agreed upon program of requirements and schedule.

Proyecto básico = Architectural Design

Design development documents drawings and other documents appropriate to the size of the project, based on the client’s approved schematic design documents and agreed estimate of material performance cost.

Proyecto de ejecución = Construction Documents

Construction documents consist of drawings, specifications and other documents appropriate to the size and complexity of the project, to describe the size and character of the entire project including architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical systems, materials and such other elements setting forth in detail the requirements for the construction, enlargement or alteration of the building or buildings of the project.

Dirección de obras = General Review

General review means review during visits to the place of the Work at intervals appropriate to the stage of the construction that the architect in its professional discretion, considers necessary to become familiar with the progress and quality of the Work and to determine that the Work is in general conformity with the construction contract documents, and so report, in writing, to the client, contractor and chief building official.